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Godspawn Bounce Shroom

Godspawn Bounce Shroom

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Mushroom corals, also known as disc anemones, are a popular choice for many reef tank enthusiasts due to their low maintenance and variety of colors and shapes. They are a great option for beginner aquarists. Here's a basic guide for mushroom coral care:

1. Tank Setup:

  • Tank Size: Mushrooms are not demanding in terms of tank size. However, it's recommended to start with a tank of at least 20-30 gallons for beginners. This will provide ample space for your mushroom corals to grow and thrive.
  • Substrate: Mushroom corals prefer a sandy substrate as they are capable of moving around the tank to find their ideal spot.
  • Rocks: They need a lot of rockwork or other hard surfaces to attach themselves to.

2. Water Conditions:

  • Temperature: Keep the tank's temperature between 72-78°F (22-25°C).
  • pH: Maintain a pH level of 8.1-8.4.
  • Specific Gravity: Maintain a specific gravity of 1.023-1.025.
  • Nitrate Levels: Keep nitrate levels low; excessive levels can cause damage to the corals.

3. Lighting and Flow:

  • Lighting: Mushroom corals are photosynthetic but can adapt to a wide range of lighting conditions, from low to moderate. High lighting can cause them to shrink or become pale.
  • Water Flow: Mushrooms prefer low to moderate water flow. Too strong a flow can damage them or inhibit their ability to fully expand.

4. Feeding:

  • Mushroom corals can get the majority of their nutrition from the light through photosynthesis (thanks to their symbiotic relationship with zooxanthellae algae living in their tissues). However, they can benefit from occasional supplemental feeding. Small, meaty foods like zooplankton or finely chopped seafood can be added.
  • Always take care not to overfeed, as this can lead to poor water quality.

5. Propagation:

  • Mushrooms reproduce easily in the home aquarium. They can multiply by splitting in two (binary fission), or by budding, where a smaller 'baby' mushroom forms on the edge of the adult and eventually detaches.
  • If you want to encourage propagation, you can gently slice through the mouth of the mushroom using a sharp, sterilized blade. Each piece will form a new mushroom.

6. Compatibility:

  • Mushrooms are generally peaceful but can be aggressive in their need for space. Make sure each coral has ample room to grow without coming into contact with other corals.
  • They can coexist with a variety of fish, but beware of species known to pick at or eat corals.

Remember, corals are sensitive creatures, and changes should be made gradually to avoid shock. Regular testing of water parameters is crucial to ensure the health of your aquarium.