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Dragon Soul - Two Heads

Dragon Soul - Two Heads

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Torch corals (Euphyllia glabrescens) are a popular choice for marine aquarium enthusiasts due to their vibrant colors and unique, flowing tentacles. Here are some general care guidelines:

  1. Water Conditions: Torch corals thrive in typical saltwater conditions. Ideal parameters include a pH between 8.1-8.4, a specific gravity of 1.023-1.025, and a temperature between 75-78°F (24-26°C). They also need moderate to high levels of calcium (400-450 ppm), alkalinity (8-11 dKH), and magnesium (1350-1500 ppm) for skeletal growth.

  2. Lighting: Torch corals require moderate to high lighting. Be cautious when introducing your coral to high-light environments, do it gradually to avoid bleaching and stress.

  3. Water Flow: They prefer moderate water flow, which helps to keep their tentacles moving, delivering food, and removing waste. But avoid strong direct flow as it can cause damage.

  4. Placement: It's recommended to place them on the bottom half of your aquarium where they can stretch out without stinging other corals. Be sure to give them plenty of space, as their tentacles can extend and sting nearby corals.

  5. Feeding: While torch corals can receive a lot of their nutritional needs through photosynthesis via their symbiotic zooxanthellae, they will also benefit from additional feeding. Offer them small meaty foods such as brine shrimp, mysis shrimp, or commercially available coral foods once or twice a week.

  6. Compatibility: Torch corals can be aggressive, and their long, stinging tentacles can reach out and harm other corals. Keep them a safe distance from others to prevent coral conflict.