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SWC Oceans Fire Acan

SWC Oceans Fire Acan

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Acan corals, specifically Acanthastrea, are a popular choice among many marine aquarium enthusiasts due to their vibrant colors and manageable care requirements. However, they still require specific conditions to thrive. Here's a general guide on how to care for saltwater Acan corals:

  1. Water Conditions: Acan corals thrive in the following water conditions: a pH between 8.1 and 8.4, specific gravity between 1.023 and 1.025, water temperature between 75 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit (24 - 27 degrees Celsius), and a dKH between 8 and 12.

  2. Lighting: Acan corals are not particularly demanding in terms of light. Moderate lighting is typically sufficient. They can adjust to different light intensities, but sudden changes can cause stress. LED lighting often works well for Acans.

  3. Water Flow: Acans prefer low to moderate water flow. High water movement can prevent them from fully expanding.

  4. Feeding: Acan corals are predatory and benefit from direct feeding. They are nocturnal feeders and often open up at night. You can feed them small pieces of meaty foods like shrimp, fish, or commercially available coral foods. Feed them once or twice a week, depending on their health and your tank conditions.

  5. Placement: Acans are generally peaceful but can be aggressive if they feel threatened. Place them in an area where they have plenty of room to grow without coming into contact with other corals. They do well at the bottom or middle of the tank.

  6. Parameters Checking: Regularly check and maintain the levels of Calcium (420-440 ppm), Magnesium (1280-1350 ppm), and Alkalinity (8-9.5 dKH). Acans, like most LPS corals, will consume these elements as they grow.

  7. Tank Mates: Acans should be kept with peaceful or semi-aggressive tank mates. They can extend sweeper tentacles at night, so ensure they have enough space around them to avoid stinging other corals.

Remember, when introducing any new coral to your aquarium, it's important to acclimate them slowly to avoid any shock from sudden changes in water conditions. If you observe any changes in color or behavior, it could be an indicator of stress, and you should immediately check your water parameters and lighting conditions.

Lastly, always try to replicate their natural environment as much as possible, and don't forget that these are living organisms that deserve respect and proper care. With the right attention and care, Acan corals can make a beautiful addition to your marine tank.